Friday, 28 November 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Hi dolls... Hope everyone had an amazing thanksgiving.

I shared some pictures on Instagram (@jibbywest) but decided to share some here too.

Excuse the quality of the pictures!!!

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Greetings from sunny LA!!!

Happy Thanksgiving dolls!!!

I have a lot to be thankful for... I am thankful for life, family, friends, my readers, love, blessings and so much more.

Check out my instagram page for pictures :)

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Nice list

Hi dolls... I got home to another Christmas present and this one was in a little black box. Christmas definitely came early this year for me :)

Istanbul diaries part 2!!!

Hi dolls,

I've been a bit busy but had to share the rest of my Istanbul trip with you all.

I spent four days in Turkey working but the whole experience was awesome. I had a few shows to attend that I had been invited to plus meetings with suppliers so it was a busy trip.

Back to my men + dogs story... I thought the men were funny with the whole 'you are so pretty' speech (even though english isn't their first language) but some of the women were just as bad.

At least the guys could only talk but the women touched. I like your hair (touch), I like your top (touch), Pretty (touch)... I found it hilarious!!!

One thing I love about Turks is how caring they can be. I got fed quite a few times and can now say a few Turkish words *proud face*

öper... xxx

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Men + Dogs

Hi dolls... So if we are all dogs, Turkish men can make a bull dog feel like a Lhasa.

If you need a boost after a break up or just a boost, Istanbul is the 'GO TO' place.

As soon as I landed, the first taxi guy started the whole 'you are so pretty' speech and I'm like (in my head of course) I don't have any make up, I just got here and I'm too tired for this!!! 

I was about to walk into my hotel and some random dude started whistling (at this point all I'm thinking of is a warm bath and cosy bed). Lady what is your name? Where are you from?? *ignore*

This story will continue tomorrow..... Trust me it will lol

Just wanted to say hi!!!!

Monday, 10 November 2014

Wardrobe Essential: The White Shirt

Hi dolls... I keep getting questions about wardrobe essentials especially from ladies who want to revamp their closets and need to know items they shouldn't get rid of. 

Hopefully in this post, I will tackle some of the questions / fears some of us have when we are revamping our closets.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Sweet November

Hi dolls... I'm super excited to share some good news with everyone... I'm a GLAMMA!!!! Yes you read right, my Kenya had puppies yesterday. 

So I got a call right in the middle of a shoot (new project) that Kenya was having her babies. I rushed home to find out that we lost three because no one knew she was in labour. 

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Another Rainy Day

Hi dolls... It was raining so hard this morning but I didn't let that stop me. I brought out the brelly and took pictures in the rain so please excuse any unclear pictures.

I have to share the 'not so secret' bra I have on in this post, will do that on instagram (@jibbywest) later. It has to be the best invention ever since the toaster lol.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014


Hi dolls... Just a quick post to share my OOTD. It was one of those days where it rained all morning. I got dressed but wasn't too sure about my shoes (which never happens) but I couldn't be bothered to change.

As soon as I left my house, my car was moving in a funny way... of course it had to be a flat tyre in the rain but thank God there was a vulcanizer a few meters away. The whole cashless policy had me walking in search of a cash point.

Funny thing is I smiled through it all. I figured that every disappointment is a blessing and everything happens for a reason (in this case I had the wrong pair of shoes on!!!).