Thursday, 27 January 2022


 Happy New Year Everyone…

I have struggled a bit with finding balance this year and it’s only January. I may have or may have not chewed more than I can swallow but I love being productive so I’m prioritising each task before working on it and that has helped a lot. 

A while back I did a ‘ask me anything about motherhood’ and I will use this post to answer every question. This may be my first child but it’s certainly not my first rodeo lol.

Outfit: @essentials.lsf 
Shoes: Alexander Wang
Sunnies: Dior
Hat and Bralet: Indigo Boutique
Bag: Louis Vuitton 

1. How did you lose all the baby weight so quick?

To be honest it’s been a struggle. I’m naturally skinny so any extra flesh on me, especially my stomach, is very visible. I’m too lazy to work out and I eat anything that looks and tastes good but I can tell you this, breastfeeding helped a lot and a waist trainer. I got 2 different types of waist trainers from Amazon. The first I started using 2 days after Zi was born and the second after 6 months when I was comfortable with myself. 

2. How long did you breastfeed?

I breastfed Zi for a whole year. I started weaning her off a month to her birthday so by that I mean I reduced her boobie time from 12 times a day to 9 times then to 6 times then 4 until I eventually stopped on her birthday. 

3. Did you struggle with breastfeeding?

Yes and no. Yes in the sense that I had swollen boobs that leaked and a baby who sucked all the time so my nipples got sore but Lanolin nipple cream saved my nipples. I said no because Zi had no problem latching. 

4. Did you have a hard time after you stopped breastfeeding?

At first my breast hurt and I had mastitis at one point which has to be the most painful thing ever. I used a hot compress everyday for a week and wore my breastfeeding bras as they were more comfortable than regular bras. 

5. What do you love most about motherhood?

I love everything about motherhood and I know people think I exaggerate it but even the things I hate, I secretly love. I hate the fact that I cannot use the loo without Zi following me no matter how hard I try to separate us, she’s always there but I secretly love that she’s always there lol. I also hate packing poop but then again I talk about poop more times than I would love to admit. I used to hate waking up every 2 hours to feed Zi but now that she’s older she only wakes up twice at night and I’m used to waking up every 2 hours now so I just check her and force myself to sleep. Everyday is an adventure and her warm hugs, sweet smile, wet kisses, baby smell and everything about her makes my heart glow. 

6. Have you ever dropped her? I’m scared of dropping my baby.

I think every mum has this fear. I had to shower Zi after I gave birth to her alone (one of the joys of giving birth abroad) but that fear slowly melted with each bath and I became confident. When she took her first steps and fell, my heart dropped too but I didn’t react, I just cheered her on. She has tripped a million times after that and I still feel part of me dropping each time but I guess it’s part of her growing. 

7. What is one thing you know now that you wish you knew before having a baby?

There are a million and one things but let’s start with hot water… As a new mum, hot water is your best friend!!! Swollen breast? Hot water!!! Bloated tummy? Hot water!!! De Quervain tenosynovitis? Hot water!!! Body pain? Hot water!!! I used it for anything and everything. 
Also, it’s ok to put your needs first sometimes. As mothers we tend to let ourselves go because our baby constantly needs our attention but I’ve learnt that it’s ok to take care of myself first. There is a reason they tell you to put on your oxygen mask first before helping your child on airplanes. I remember one night I woke up to pee and Zi was awake and hungry. She started crying (she only cries when she is hungry) and I had to hold my pee to feed her. I ended up rushing to the bathroom after feeding her to avoid an accident that already started. Now I pee first even if she’s awake and crying because it’s only a few seconds, and she’s always alright after. 

8. What is a tough decision you’ve had to make as a parent?

Preschool… choosing the right preschool and letting your child go is tear jerking but again it’s part of growing up.

9. What do you do if your child doesn’t meet the milestone set for the month?

First of all, do not pressure yourself and your child with milestones. It’s fine when they meet them but it’s also not the end of the world if they don’t. Each child is different and as long as it doesn’t affect her growth, then I don’t worry about them. Luckily Zi is a fast learner and she surprises me everyday. 

10. How do you balance motherhood, entrepreneurship and life?

Prioritising!!! Zi always comes first but life happens and other things need my attention. For example, the course I’m taking now keeps me busy so I started a planner and I schedule everything (even though most things never go as planned, organisation helps).

Outfit details above…

I hope this helps someone else. If you have anymore questions please feel free to leave them in the comment section or DM me on Instagram.

Have an amazingly blessed 2022.
